Friday, September 18, 2009

Change or trend and grocery bags?

The notoriety of Al Gore's AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH both reached and compelled several industries and the general public to take action and do their part in the fight against global warming. I'm optimistic and hopeful that this momentum will be kept up but at the same time I'm a cynic. Now I'm not a cynic because I want sustainable practices to fail, but old habits die hard and it seems all too common and apart of human nature to...well...relapse. I wonder if the attention paid to sustainability is merely a trendy thing to do, like wearing yoga gear when you're not going to the gym, I mean by wearing them does give the impression that you're athletic or health conscious.

I noticed a problem with the design of those little eco bags that you pay a dollar for at grocery store. I know people who buy multiple amounts of eco grocery bags religiously with the best intentions to reduce their carbon footprint but somehow, those bags are never taken with them everywhere they go and 5-25 cents gets shelled out for a plastic bag. Someone beat me to the redesign, there is a new environmentally friendly compact bag out called Envirosax, great form and function. This bag is lightweight and can fit in your backpocket! Perhaps it's the solution to the cumbersome recyclable grocery bag problem which is possibly left at home because it doesn't collapse well and takes up alot of space in a purse, backpack or laptop bag? So, my point is that the current eco grocery bag is a great concept but could be a better design. If it wasn't so cumbersome I think that more people would be carrying it around with them. I love the Envirosax because it can fit in my wallet and that way I never forget it at home because I carry my wallet everywhere I go.

It is apparent that only time will tell whether people are seriously committed to "change" or to trend. Hopefully designers will remain conscious to the issue of climate change and will continue to contribute designs that might slow down this process and leave even less of a carbon footprint. And hopefully society will continue to make environmentally conscious decisions.


  1. I personally have faith that we as a society are really attempting to fix old bad habits. It might not be happening over night but change takes time. The weening laws in ontario that are slowly trying to get us to quit smokeing or not use plastic bags are a pretty clear indication that what is happening is slightly bigger than a fashion statement.
    However, it is worth mentioning that fashion is playing a role in makeing people want to do the enviromentally friendly thing. Littering, useing toxic hair spray, and driveing gas guzzling SUV's are all looked down upon (at least in toronto) The riseing trend of bikeing instead of driveing is undeniable. ever since the 5 cent bag laws were passed in june ive probably cut down on plastic bags 95% (which sucks sometimes ill admit because now im always running out of things to line my garbage bins with) and this wasnt a concious decision i made to be enviromentally friendly eather, spending the extra 5 cents just doesnt appeal to me. Its acually becoming a thing that i just do as oppose to a decision i make every time i go to the store, which i think is the first sign that a habit is changeing.

    -ariewhit (not carlos)

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  3. I do believe society is slowly becoming more environmentally friendly. It is hard to change old habits, but with all the attention placed on sustainability lately, it is becoming harder to let those bad habits go by unnoticed.

    I do think that being environmentally friendly is a bit of a trend, but it's definitely not a negative one. Even if someone is sporting a green peace logo or a "this bag is green" bag, others will notice and be conscious that the people around them are making an effort to live green, and maybe encourage them to live green too. When I moved into my current house I was not worried at all about my eco footprint. It was not until I met my room mate, who calls me out on EVERY little thing I do that is not "environmentally friendly" that I became conscious of how many harmful habits I actually have. ANYWAYS it has only been three months but the constant reminders really have helped me to think before I act.

    Each person needs to be conscious of how their actions, independently, are affecting the environment. Sure, there could be better designs for grocery bags to make it impossible for people to forget to use, but the change really has to to start from inside. Making society aware of the issue is the main agenda.

  4. I haven't met anyone who buys these recyclable bags just to be trendy or get them as a fashionable accessory. But even if they do get the bags for that reason, they are still taking part in this environmentally conscious act. Also, I hope that grocery bags will never come back. Let's try to litter less.
    These bags are usually only seen being used in grocery stores, but how about malls and shopping centres? When I shop back at home or even at the Eaton Centre, people still use the bags from the stores. But thankfully some stores have taken action and produced bags using paper or recyclable materials.
    I am happy that I've stopped using plastic bags when shopping for groceries or clothes and I will continue to do so.

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  6. The whole environmentally friendly thing is becoming a bit of a "trendy thing to do" . Not to say those reusable bags are exactly the most fashionable , but in the same way that people see someone with a sweater they really like and then go out and buy it- people see someone being eco friendly and ta-da , they want to as well. Monkey see monkey do right? Celebs make sure people know they bought a hybrid vehicle in hopes that their fans too will buy one. "EcoFriendly" is another something being advertised. Sounds maybe like I'm coming down on it, I'm not. It's genius really. Glorify something necessary, something important, something that will save our lives one day - why not. It's better for someone to want to embrace an environmentally friendly lifestyle - whether they see it come to life through a close friend or a celebrity on tv - than wanting to do something destructive right?

    Whether you're being more environmentally conscious because you want to, or to be trendy, at least you're doing it. In the end the motivation isn't the most important part of the big picture - it's the straightforward fact that you're making a difference .
